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My chaotic documentation for everything. (Keepo)


Easy to forget, even easier to mess up. In my opinion thinking about a good layout that suits the content and makes it shine is a very essential part of good web design.

Above The Fold:

This term refers to content that is seen immediately after loading the page without scrolling. Because it is seen first this space matters WAY more than other space. We need to use it wisely.

Usually it fulfills one or all of these functions:

  1. Communicate the idea of the site(home)/page
  2. make users use certain functions or look at certain content

Examples of above the fold content can be:
  1. Headers
  2. Hero Sections
  3. Sales, Events and other temporary content
  4. CTAs heisst call to actions(contact forms, newsletter signups, social media links, shopping carts, ...)


Best Practice?

Using only one h1 per page is recommended.

Using strong and em over b and i can help with SEO/crawling.

Definition Lists

They exist and maybe I should use them.


Look at this.
Now you know that I am at coding in general

Try Catch Finally is something I want to look at more. I will also write something about JS Data Strucutures here at some point most likely.
This quote from chatgpt also seems noteworthy and I may edit and use the information here later: Default Classes or Prototypes:In some languages, objects are associated with default classes or prototypes if no specific class is provided. For example, in JavaScript, objects can be created using literals, and they are associated with the default Object prototype. Example in JavaScript: javascript Copy code let obj = ; // Creating an object with the default Object prototype In dynamically-typed languages, objects might be more flexible, and their class or type might be determined at runtime.


TS helps finding potential bugs during the coding phase of an app instead of being surprised at runtime. It does so with static type checking.
In addition it improves autocompletion and documentation by describing the shape of objects.
In the long term it has the potential of making maintenance and refactoring of code a lot easier.

Types can either be configured using the 'type' keyword or interfaces. Either works fine these days?!

Basic Prop Types

You can type props like this:
type GreetProps = { name: string messageCount: number isLoggedIn: boolean }
and use the props like this:
export const Greet = (props: GreetProps) =>


If I was good at react you would be impressed rn.
the first thing i would like to get better at is just knowing when i should put stuff into (sub)components!


imagine knowing anything about databases lmao.


I legit dont even know what object relational mapping means bruh.


respecct muh...

made 2023 by k1ch3r.